June 12, 2009

Today I took at look at the document permissions in the two documents and here you go…

Acrobat 6

Adobia 2

Acrobat 8

Adobia 3

So what’s going on here?

Acrobat 6 creates a document that it sees as being open for commenting and other forms of editing. Acrobat 8, when presented with the same document, sees a document that can not be commented on so it won’t bring up the commenting toolbar. Good to see that earlier versions of PDF are well-supported…


Previous post Strange Flowers These ‘flowers’ made from drink cans are strangely beautiful and a little spooky. Next post "It smells like all my favourite things!" The title of this was my five year old daughter’s reaction when I asked her to smell a candle I had just blown out. I thought it was such a