This page is a list of the tools, apps and services I use to manage my life and was created in late May 2018, updated in July 2020 and then in May 2023. The closest I’ve come to writing about this in the past was the list of data services I rely on and a history of my life in 50 objects.

This is not intended to be just a list of good things — I will only add things to this page that I feel are:

  1. Distinctive in some way.
  2. I personally recommend as best in breed.

It’s simply the stuff I enjoy using most.

Computer Hardware

Simply the best

Today’s calculators that are in my desk drawer at work are below.

State of the RPN calculators in use at work.


I am a Mac user. I use Windows most days on my work PC and have to acknowledge it is so much better than when I stopped using it at home and started using BeOS and then Apple’s OS X in 2001. However, MacOS is so much more consistent, elegantly refined, based on Unix and runs great applications that just don’t exist on other platforms.

Bringing us to:



State of the pens 2023


Ceramic Knife


Party Fears Astell & Kern SE 200


Red Oxxen
