After I posted yesterday’s post on time management I realised that I failed to give sufficient emphasis to one of the main reasons I enjoy using TodoPaper and Taskpaper. That is that they use plain text files to store lists.
This means that the underlying data is not locked-in to a proprietary file format or database but can be edited on any platform using a text editor. With a good text editor it’s possible to create syntax definitions that will colour code the date in a similar way to how they are normally presented. As the ‘rules’ for what defines a project, a task, tab or whether a task is completed are very simple it’s very easy to work with these files directly if needed.
Here are some pictures of a single file (not quite if you look carefully) opened using different tools.
This file is open in EditPad Pro, a Windows text editor for which I’ve developed a syntax definition file to colour code the file. As EditPad’s rules for doing this are based on regular expressions this was pretty straightforward to create.
In this case the file is opened with Barebones text editor BBEdit which uses a ‘Codeless Language Module’ to colour code the file.
Use plain text files. Never go out of style!