July 31, 2024

I’ve been thinking about subscriptions recently and the need to cut-down on the cost of these. The following are those that I feel are the gold standard’ in what they offer in terms of genuine value or innovation.

Subscription Remarks
Adobe Lightroom For the monthly cost, I think this offers great value for money
Bear (notes) I have changed my notes app too often but feel the latest major revision of Bear meets all my needs.
Claude AI I have recently changed to using this in place of Chat GPT and it seems the most humane’ of the LLMs I have used
Day One Used this forever and it has never let me down.
Drafts Nearly everything that starts as text begins in this app. Several times a day…
Feedbin I tried all the post-Google RSS and have been happy with Feedbin for years.
Glass It’s a very expensive patron’ subscription but I am happy to support the platform Glass is building.
Kagi Paid search is a new thing for me and I enjoy the good results and ad-free experience.
MailMate The closest simple client to my beloved Mailsmith.
Pinboard I’m not sure if this is maybe an El Cid’ service but I have too much saved there to move away.
SetApp For the number of apps I use here this represents a cost saving
Tinderbox Tinderbox is like no other Mac application. I find it can do things in a unique way that provides powerful visual links between notes

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