January 10, 2018

We operate a pretty strict food chain of phones here and my daughter’s iPhone had started to become old and unreliable so it was time for my old iPhone 6 to trickle down to her.

I went into the Apple store determined to be sensible and came out with iPhone X. By comparison, the other phones just felt primitive. To my surprise the gesture based system just works really well, the absence of the home button is no problem and I’ve never enjoyed the feel of the haptic home button. The all screen’ design is fantastic and immersive.


Previous post Festive Five 2017 Each year for the past few years I have shamelessly ripped-off an idea from a friend and posted my Festive Five music tracks here. It’s is always Next post Stepping Back Today on impulse I carried out a severe cull to some apps I keep on my iPhone home screen.  I deleted all of the ‘time sink’ apps from