As a family we went to one graduation this year. Daughter no. 1, the Trainee Animator, graduated with a Masters degree and is therefore the Master Animator!
My five favourite tracks from albums released last year.
(I always find the opening track to the Cure’s new album incredibly moving. Dawn Richard has been on quite a musical journey from the Autotune obsessive I first encountered.)
My average PSA over the course of the year. I’m pleased no-one is getting excited by this and the specialists use the word “stable.”
I watched 14 films at the cinema (generally the wonderful Cameo in Edinburgh). My favourite films, in no particular order were:
I played snooker with my friend Andrew 41 times in 2024. Every week I look forward to playing but I generally lose.
I wrote down 52 of the things I learned this year, roughly one every week.
My favourite was The Story of A Heart by Rachel Clark.
I went to the gym 146 times and also played badminton with work colleagues 43 times.
I made 220 entries in my DayOne journal this year.