July 27, 2022

During a recent fractals demonstration I attended, someone raised the question of what is photography when images are generated on computers. Looking at recent developmentsin AI and machine learning, such as DALL-E and EG3G, I think there’s a bigger revolution coming.

Machine-learning AI image generators are likely to destroy the stock photography business. No more hunting for the perfect photograph — just load the parameters you are looking for into an AI.

No hiring models etc. No release forms. What about the impact on the modelling and fashion industry? We are concerned about the effect of the use of filters on young people viewing photographs but what if the person being presented as perfection’ isn’t even real anymore? How does our world change when fake faces created by AI look more trustworthy than real people?

Photographers could end-up selling the rights to real image to train AI instead of actually selling the image to be published.

Sell your shares portfolio in Alamy, Shutterstock and iStockphoto!


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